Greenwood Student Account Information

Greenwood Student accounts are set up differently than other accounts at Missouri State. When Greenwood students become Missouri State University college students, their accounts are affected in various ways.

Greenwood Student Accounts

When students attend Greenwood, they are set up with an Active Directory (AD) domain account. This account (looking like a regular Bearpass Login beginning with GWDxxxx) provides them access to lab computers, Blackboard, Meyer Library resources, and the wireless network (if they pay an additional $5 per month). This account does not give them a Office 365 mailbox, or access to My Missouri State and most other network resources (Bear1, Slate, etc.). 

A Greenwood student can decide to become "dual-enrolled", which is to take both Greenwood classes and Missouri State college-level courses. When a Greenwood student becomes "dual-enrolled", the student will need to create a new AD account in order to register for classes within My Missouri State. For this to happen, the former  GWDxxxx AD account must be deleted and a regular student SGF AD account created through CAMS. The GWDxxxx AD account must be deleted because only one AD account per person is allowed. Once the new AD account is created through CAMS, the student will now have access to My Missouri State, an Office365 mailbox, and all of the other resources a regular student would have.

However, there are still 2 important resources that are affected: Blackboard and Wireless.


Blackboard accounts are separate from an AD account. When a Greenwood AD account is deleted, the link to the Blackboard account is broken because there is no longer an AD account that matches up with the account they've been using in Blackboard. We will need to reset their password in Blackboard for their GWD-xxxx account, and they'll need to continue logging on to Blackboard with that account until the end of the current semester. If they continue to be a "dual-enrolled" student thereafter, their Greenwood classes will need manual enrollment with their new SGF AD account because those classes are not in Banner; auto-enrollment will only work for the college-level classes. As of now, the GWD accounts have been migrated with whatever current classes they were taking.


Wireless access for a regular Greenwood account is provided if the student pays the additional $5 per month just like Faculty/Staff. As long as they're paying the extra fee, they will have access. But when the Greenwood AD account is deleted, this also breaks wireless access for both accounts. The student should begin using the new SGF AD account that was created for them to access the wireless network, but this is not automatic or immediate access. When we deal with these accounts, Networking must also verify that the new account should be moved into the correct wireless access group.  

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Article ID: 89939
Mon 10/21/19 4:45 PM
Tue 8/22/23 9:20 PM